Thursday, 16 September 2010

In Memoriam

When I was in Sierra Leone I made a commitment that I would do an 'in memoriam' page on this blog for all the women who died on our ward (or occasionally having just left it) while I was in Makeni Government Hospital. These women were all poor, rural Africans. I hope by publishing this they will lodge in your heart and not be forgotten by the outside world.

Babylove Kargbo aged 18 died 20 October from postpartum haemorrhage

Isatu Kanu aged 17 died 21 October from eclampsia

Kadiatu Kamora aged 22 died 22 October from a ruptured uterus

Saffiatu Sesay aged 24 died 26 October from eclampsia

Finah Marrah aged 35 died 27 October from 'prolonged labour'

Saffie Bangura aged 22 died 15 November with retained 2nd twin

Kadiatu Kamara aged 23 died 21 November from hepatitis

Finah Adamo aged 25 died 20 December from anaemia

Harba Conteh aged 32 died 26 December from eclampsia

Fatmata Bangura aged 17 died December 29 from eclampsia

M'balu Koroma no age given died 24 January from antepartum haemorrhage

Fatmata Mansary age 17 died 26 January from obstructed labour

Nancy Conteh aged 35 died 8 February from postpartum haemorrhage